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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

How To Create Your Own Website

There are many different kinds of websites, that have different features and abilities. Eg. A website to show your art work, a blog, a simple website to give information, a website that shows bus timetables, a game website, an online store. You can buy a website readymade, or you can make one yourself. You use a programming language called HTML to build web pages yourself. A website can have 1 or more web pages, linked together by hyperlinks. A hyperlink is an active, underlined word in a document or webpage, that will open another web page when clicked. Html has a command to create a hyperlink from a word in your page. If you have your own business, having a website is a good way to advertise your business on the web or to sell things from your website. To create your own website, you will first need web pages. You can make these, or buy them as a template. Find a template that is suitable for the kind of business you run, as there are many different kinds of templates. Some you can change with some programming and customise to your needs. HTML is mainly a display programming language, geered towards magazine type web pages. For more typical programming features, that you may want to add to your website, you use the language Javascript. If you want your website to have a database, you would use the programming language PHP, and sql in addition to HTML. Most websites will only use HTML, but you may want more features than a mere display kind of site has. So, you can download free website templates from the internet from sites like this: http://www.wix.com/html5webbuilder/ppc-mosaic2?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bi_uk_1^tp_free_website_templates_oka_x&experiment_id=free%20website%20templates%5ee%5e44355914343%5e1t1&gclid=CPWDrq33tb4CFWqWtAodEGkAEw Click the above. This is a hyperlink that will take you to a website on the internet that gives free website templates. A template isn’t a complete website. You will need somewhere to put your web pages on the internet, so people can see them. This is called hosting. When your website is ready, you will upload it onto the internet, using an application called Core, which you can download free from www.download.com. You will upload it to a large computer, called a server, which will display your web pages 24 hours of the day. A hosting company will sell server disk space to customers as their core business. The server hosting computer may be on the other side of the world. They usually own many large disks and you can rent a part of it for your site. Some hosting is free if say you display some ads for them on your website. https://www.freehosting.com/ The last thing you will need to create your own website is a domain name. This is your unique address on the internet and how others will reach your site. Eg. Www.yoursitename.com You can buy cheap domain names at www.godaddy.com. Or you can get a free domain name if you prefix your address with the name of the company who is giving it free. http://www.wix.com/html5webbuilder/400_domain?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bi_uk_1^dn_domain_name-free-33&experiment_id=free%20domain%20names%5ep%5e31780259943%5e1t1&gclid=CLz0geWovb4CFc6WtAod9S0A7Q So that people can find your website on the internet, put it in online directories, or search engines, such as google.com. See also: HTML

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